lunes, 10 de enero de 2011


Wow. Sometimes I wonder how things can change so fast. And yet, sometimes they seem to drag forever.

Today, I got a call from a publisher. It's a self-publishing place, not a "real" publisher. But still, they want to do my book. No, they haven't actually read it so they don't know if its any good. I think it is :). Plus, they're running a special.
Now, I just have to decide if I'm ready to committ to publishing. If I have that kind of money. If this is a good place. I'm going to keep looking, but I only have until the end of January to work with this special price.
The book I want to publish is "Havoc's Cry." That's the first Tori novel. If you haven't read it, I'd love some feedback. I've gotten some glowing reviews, but more critique is always welcome. Plus, if I get enough readers, I won't have to spend money on a copyeditor. O:)

In other news, school was cancelled today and tomorrow. I have no idea how that's going to affect my schedule and if they'll revoke our break days later. But for now, I'm kind of excited to be home. We've done some house cleaning today. We took down all the Christmas decorations. I was kind of sad to see them go. But very excited becasue for the first time, I had some of my own to put away. My grandmother gave me a handmade nativity scene and I got to store it in my hope chest. Very exciting.

Now, my sister is trying to put Netflicks on the Wii. As if we don't have enough conected electronics around here! Sometimes, I'm astonded by how much dependance we have on technology these days. A little scary, but thrilling all at the same time.

I think I'm going to go do some writing and editing now. This publishing call has me pumped and I'm roaring to go! I also have a good book I'm in the middle of when I get tired.

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