lunes, 20 de diciembre de 2010


So, we're on Christmas "Vacation" or Winter Break...
and yet, I wonder why we call it a vacation. I don' know about you guys, but I don't stop working. I mean, I get some time "off," but not three weeks or whatever the break would have you believe. Nope, my job description just changes for three weeks. It involves wrapping presents, getting the house in order, cleaning my room, and otherwise taking care of everything that got neglected over the semester.

Of course, we are about to go to Houston, TX to visit grandparents. It will be an interesting trip full of cards, eating, presents, and family. I'm thinking fun will be had.

We've been preparing to go all day. We took the extra fruit to Mrs. Elise and the Beamer to the shop. We took the dog to the kennel and had a long conversation with the owner. After our missing-dog-fiasco over the summer, we know the guy pretty well. I was encouraged by the subject, though. We talked about the blessings in our life, and how even the bad things just don't seem so bad in comparison.

Mom and I had a long talk on the way home about life and the way things are. Sometimes, growing up really sucks. I'm getting better at it, I hope. But I'm not always liking it. Well, I hear that's normal. I was glad to have the talk, though, because I really feel that I understand better now. I have a clear goal for the next few weeks and a better understanding to handle the situations better.

Apart from that, things are going very normally. It's PTS week, and I'm exhausted. (PTS week, post tramatic stress week: the week after finals when all college students aren't worth much because all the chronic stress in their system is leaving in a rush). I slept in and it's only 6:30, yet I'm exhausted. Of course, we've gotten quite a bit done today and I did stay up late last night. Good thing I can sleep in the car tomorrow.

Well, I have to go show Momma how to put my book on her iPad so she can read it on the trip. :) Later all.

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