miércoles, 8 de junio de 2011

La Primera Parte de la Semana Quita

Hey everyone. I'm half way through my fifth week in DF. I can hardly believe what God has done in my life through this trip. I can honestly say that I'll never be the same as I was before. He is teaching me wholehearted dependance on His name.

I guess I should start with last Thursday. We went to the Mastretta Plant. The Mastretta is the first all Mexican hand made car. Really, its a sports car in a class of its own.

More pictures: 

It's beautiful, for one. It's also almost completely hand made. No huge machines with assembly lines. I really liked that part. It's also completely 100% Mexican: from the design to the construction, everything is done in house.
More pretty car pictures. No, I'm not modeling. I'm dreaming that some day I'll own one and drive it really really fast. It's a stick, of course, and only has two seats. So my dream will probably never come true, but it never hurts to dream big.

The bus ride to that place was like 2 hours. I was very glad I had my iPad complete with eBooks. I read some John Piper, which was fascinating. I'm really getting into this whole non-fiction reading thing and enjoying it.

On Friday, we had class in the morning. Then we went to a cooking lesson! I was so excited because I love to cook and now I can cook a few Mexican dishes!

Michael, Ben, Benjamin, y yo made the cerviche. It was DELICIOUS! If I do say so myself. In this picture, we're playing with Guabana for agua con Guabana. I'm not sure if that's spelled right, but its phonetic. A very fun fruit.

Some of the others made tocos dorados, squash flower soup with mushrooms, nopal salad, and other yummy goodness. I'm so excited to make it back in the States!

More pictures: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150199897230044.305522.665665043

This is all of us posing for the camera. We ate so much that several of the group fell asleep after dinner!

After that, a group of us went to see the new X-Men movie. It was good. It was in English with Spanish subtitles, so we could understand it. I can't wait until that movie comes out on DVD. Daddy MUST see it, it has Leto in it :) (If you've never seen Dune, ignore the reference). The ending was semi-predictable, but then we've seen the later ones.

Therefore, I didn't get home until late Friday night. But it was a great day. We even had ice cream :).

Saturday, we got up early and headed for Puebla! It was a three hour drive and I slept a lot of it. But we got there a little before noon and settled into our hotel. Then, out for lunch. Rebecca and I ran into Ben, Benja, and Drew. I ended up spending most of the weekend hanging out with those guys, and it was great.

Saturday afternoon, we walked around the city some. Puebla has a much different personality than DF. It's so much more authentically Mexican. I can't even describe the difference, but you can feel it.

We ended up at a little hole-in-the-wall place for lunch. It was great. A three course meal for like $4. This is Ben attempting to feed Benja the jello stuff we got for dessert (which I didn't count as a course). The fun part was that we all got different main courses then tested everyone else's.
This is where the story of how I've come to determine that Ben's sense of "hot" is quite different from normal. He fed me jalapeno covered fish. Yes, he warned me :). Still, they said I turned bright red... quite funny, or so we all thought. Much laughter ensued :).

That afternoon, we hiked out through the city and saw some of the forts from Cinco De Mayo (which is NOT the Mexican independence day, for all you who thought it was. They're independence day is Sept 16th). That was really awesome. As well as getting to see the less touristy side of Puebla.

This is, as you can see, Fuerte de Guadalupe, or Guadalupe Fort in English. One of several we saw. We couldn't go inside because we got there too late, but we walked around them.

More pictures: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150199901820044.305524.665665043

That evening we went out to dinner. But we first watched this amazing sunset. LOVE!

We hung out that evening. Had tacos. Eventually hit the sack and slept.

Sunday morning, we had a HUGE buffet breakfast. We all rolled out of that one. It was soooo yummy though! Fruits, empenadas, tamales, waffles, quince, fresh fruit juice, all kinds of yummy bread and pastries, and I know I didn't spell all those right. YUM! Needless to say, I didn't eat lunch.

We spent a lot of the afternoon wandering through the market and buying gifts. I won't spoil the surprise by telling you what I got :). But I found some good deals. Much fun was had. Gifts bought. Hours spent searching through a huge market.

We had to return to DF that afternoon. Sad to leave Puebla :(.

Class. Then off to visit Amextra. It's a nonprofit organization that helps poor Mexican communities learn how to live "independently". I mean, they provide for themselves but still as part of the community. It was fun. We got to interact with the people there and talk and stuff.

We had an awesome lunch. Some flat taco-ish thing with bisteck y queso. YUM! The local lady that talked after that was very hard to understand. I think I got about one word in 20. Discouraging. But others were having a similar problem.

Tuesday: Class. Not a lot to say. It was fun though :).
After lunch, we met to work on our debate research. Then I wrote an essay.

Debate! We have to do debates for this class. The one today I didn't participate in (mine's tomorrow). But the topic was the legalization of Marijuana in Mexico. Good or bad? It was quite heated.

After that, we went to Ben's to work on more research. We've got the outline pretty much finalized. Now its just a matter of writing our own 3 minute speech and memorizing it. I have to finish that yet.

We tried to go to the Corona plant today to tour it. But only the guys got to go since you had to wear pants and tennis shoes but Dra told us to dress up. For a girl, closed shoes aren't dressy, sadly. So we didn't get to go.

Now, more work for me. So I should get off and actually go do it. Tomorrow we leave for the weekend! I'll tell you about it when I get back :)

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