martes, 28 de junio de 2011

A Week At Home

A week at home isn't enough, but this one has been excellent.

It began on Sunday with my adventures trying to get home. I had some baggage issues in Mexico and ended up getting my carry-on suitcase checked as a second bag for free. I guess the lady liked me... or just took pity on a poor college girl traveling alone and trying to blunder along in Spanish.
Of course, I make it Texas only to find that my flight to ATL was cancelled. My opinion of the DFW airport isn't very high. Oh well, I made in on a flight two hours later. Finally got home just to find my bags were on the next flight, even though I'd specifically asked if they'd get on my flight... At least it was only about half an hour wait.
My first hugs from my family were simply heavenly. My sister even picked me up and swung me around in a circle, backpack and all! I love my family. And I was so happy to see them after so long away from home.
After we finally got all my stuff loaded into the car, we headed for Tech to pick up Jim. The sweet boy surprised me with homemade pizza (my requested first meal to my Momma a few days earlier). It was the yummiest thing I'd eaten in weeks, but that may be slightly biased. Only slightly. He got to come home with us to spend some time with me and the family.
Once home, I got to distribute gifts :). I love finding the perfect something for an amazing person in my life. I've got a few more to give still, but I got to see great big smiles from everyone as they opened up gifts. I didn't make it long after that, as it was already past 1am. I headed on to bed.

Monday morning dawned and I got up. Showered, and even took a long time! Hot water for a long shower... ahhhhhhh. By the time I got downstairs, Jim was already waiting. We teamed up and make waffles, which I sorely miss whenever I'm away from home. Fallon joined us and it was a fun time in the kitchen! So many of my fondest memories happen in the kitchen, it's probably one of my favorite rooms in the entire house. Yes, I know that's weird.
But we headed up to the lake after that. Country music blaring, warm summer day, headed to the lake with the family and boyfriend. Does life get better? I doubt it. Unless its when you actually head out of the cove on the boat with the tube or wakeboard trailing behind...
We met Tyler up at the lake and it was nice to finally put a face to the name I'd heard so much about. I enjoyed getting to know him some.
Yes, we did both :). I was such a happy girl! I doubt I stopped smiling for more than 30 seconds all day, unless it was to make faces of extreme stubbornness whenever Jim tried to knock me off the tube. Yes, I won and keep the title Queen of the Tube :). Of course, I do have a few years of practice on him. But he did great and learned fast. He even got up on the wake board for a bit! It made my Daddy laugh when he got to explain wake boarding in terms of physics and the very next time, Jim got up! Yeah, I'm dating an engineer :). Lucky me. Of course, my Father's a physics geek too, so he can't really complain.
We had some yummy US food for dinner too, which again made me happy. Especially the corn casserole that I love and pumpkin pie. MMHHHMMM!!!
Well, after our incredible day out on the lake, we headed to Fayetteville towards Jim's house. We had to stop by and pick up Jake, but we made good time. I didn't even fall asleep while driving, although I came closer than I like to admit. Loud music and bright lights kept me awake, as well as my own stubbornness (which is extensive).
We had Bible time with the Shealys and it was fun to get to see them again. I got to spend some time talking to everyone and thrilling them with stories of Mexico. That family is so unique and different from anyone I've ever known before, I love spending time down there!

Tuesday morning dawned and we went through Jim's usual morning routine of "what do I fix for breakfast...". That's quite funny, if I do say so myself. I was greatly amused. Especially after I'd so easily decided what I wanted the day before then recruited him to help fix it.
We spent the day getting his stuff packed and making sure he had everything he needed. We ran various errands so he'd be able to leave the next day. We even got to go to lunch at the restaurant where Allison works and say hi! I enjoyed that much more than the idea of US-influence Mexican, which was the other option. Yeah, I'd have gone and had fun, but I liked seeing Allison more :).
That afternoon, with him all packed, we sat down and watched Zorro. The poor boy had never seen it before. I had to fix this! :). Yeah, I'm a fan of Zorro. But then, what girl in her right mind doesn't like a mysterious hero dressed in black battling for the lives of a bunch of innocents he doesn't even know!
After that, we had dinner. More good conversation with Mr. and Mrs. Shealy as Jim ran around afterwards to complete a few last minute details then stick his stuff in the car. I've never failed to enjoy a conversation with Mr. Shealy, he loves to talk about such random things that I'm always on my toes and completely engrossed.
That evening, we headed over to Zach's. Zach is Jim's best friend from high school. And you can tell they're best friends and have been for years. I imagine its kind of what Laura and I would be like if we were guys... Zach and Allison (from the restaurant earlier) are engaged. Now you have some history :). We met up with them and a few others of their old high school group which are all very close and hung out for a while that night. It was fun to meet Jim's friends, if a little overwhelming. I enjoyed it tremendously.
By the time we got home, Jim told me I wasn't allowed to drive home. Okay, so he said it nicer, but he was right. I was exhausted and no up for an hour and a half drive down the interstate at night. So I just crashed in the guest room again.

It did give me the chance to say goodbye again Wednesday morning before heading home. I got home just in time to say goodbye to my Momma before she left for a day at work. I ran through the shower and then headed out again. This time, to Starbucks to meet LAURA BAZEMORE! Okay, that still a little strange yet awesome. We talked for a while. Neither of us had a lot of time, so I'm hoping for a Nashville trip in August :).
I left from there and headed to Conyers for an afternoon with Kelsey and Ben. Those two make me laugh every time. We played some wild games, talked a lot, ate Japanese food... Kelsey and I watched "The Princess Bride" in Spanish and painted our nails. Both were fun, and I even understood a good bit of the Spanish. I headed home about 10, after Kelsey repeatedly nudged me awake and told me I was exhausted.
I collapsed into bed that night.

Thursday morning, I slept in. Not a ton, but a little. I got up, had an IM interview at 9. Then left for a live interview at GT at 11. I don't think I'm taking either job, but I didn't know that then. I attempted to be productive the rest of the day, but I didn't succeed much. I was having post-school stress relief, no more adrenaline in my system, crash time. I mean MAJOR crash. I ended up taking an almost four hour nap when I meant to lay down for one. And I still went to bed early...

Friday morning, I slept in. We headed up to the lake that afternoon. We tried to go out on the boat Friday evening, but it starting raining and thundering. Lots of fun memories occurred from that! I love my family and I was so happy to get to spend some dedicated time with them! Well, when we got off the water and back to the trailer we found that we had no power. So into town for dinner, since we couldn't cook. The power was back on before we got back, so we stayed. Momma and I played on the computer in the living room until way too late... okay, so I had ulterior motives, but it was still really late.

Saturday morning: more sleeping in! Then a yummy breakfast where my family decided to randomly pull out the blueberries we've been thoroughly enjoying and eat them with our french toast. Fallon decided to see how many blueberries she could stack on my fork with one bite of toast... see?? Fun kitchen and family memories ;).
We spent most of the day out on the lake. I got to tube for a long time on the new tube with Momma. She loved it! It was so awesome to have that fun with her since she's been unable to do that for so long. I'm glad we found a tube she can enjoy with us. Of course, my sister is crazy too so that resulted in some funnies.
We came back that evening and just chilled. Momma sent me to bed about 9 since I couldn't keep my eyes open any more!

Sunday we had church. My parents both played in the orchestra! I'm glad I got to be home to hear that. I missed corporate worship. I missed studying His Word with my Christian family. I missed being surrounded by family. I missed church. I'm so glad I got to be home for a while and go.
We went out with the Prices for lunch. Atlanta Bread Company and a new kind of soup: Butternut Squash. I think I'm going to have to try to make that.
That afternoon, we rested some then we packed. Momma and I got almost all my stuff packed that afternoon and evening. For some reason, it wasn't as hard this time :). Maybe because I pretty much had everything already ready to go.
Then, Momma and I did nails ;). Mine are bright red! My favorite. We also watched some TV. Then bed for me!

Monday morning dawned and I got up. I slept badly, so it wasn't as much waking up as just finally getting out of bed. I had another interview! YAY!!! This one is with a tutoring place about 10 minutes from campus. I'd be doing maths mostly, but some physics-based science or Spanish maybe. I loved the environment and I enjoy students, so this could be a great fit!

After that, I came home. Ate lunch. Finished packing. Hung around the house. Then we left for Madrid! Of course, that's not at home anymore so you'll have to wait until the next post to hear about Spain stuff :).

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