miércoles, 1 de septiembre de 2010

Diff Eq, Dynamics, Dorm, and a New Friend

Hello all!

This is fun!  I used to blog very regularly, back in my high school days.  Part of me is looking forward to the challenge of being regular again.  Plus the interesting things I remember as I go over a day in a more journal-based post.

So this morning's classes were:  Differential Equations, Deformable Bodies, and Dynamics.  Yes, I've noticed the alliteration.  No, it never ceases to amuse me.  They're all math/physics based classes, for those of you in the un-Tech-literate population :).

Anyway, I have an hour break between Diff Eq and Def Bods.  Usually, I sit outside because its very nice out there on a bench beneath a tree.  The little bugs find me quite interesting.  They're no bigger than about |---| that big.  Yes, very scientific measuring there.  But they're really weird looking brown spider things.  I can't find it in my heart to kill them just cuz they wondered onto my finger or paper.  So then I have to figure out a way to get them off without murdering the tiny things.  Let's just say it probably amused me way too much.

This time, my sitting outside was a little bit more interesting than normal.  Bugs aside.  I met a new friend!  We talked about writing, the paranormal (yes, including Twilight.  No, we did NOT go "Ahh! cute guys!!" blah!), computer programming (even with punch cards!), engineering, and a whole lot of other things.  VERY fun conversation.  Besides, I always love to meet another "fantasy freak" especially one who likes the paranormal sub-genre.

Class was very typical.  We've got a sub-teacher in my Dyanmics class.  I almost like him better than the real teacher, but I'll give her another chance.  :)  I won't describe what we learned, I think I'd lose most of you at "We learned about ..." due to boredom!

After that, back to the dorm for lunch.  Eating breafast at 7 leaves you starving by 12:30!  Chicken parmesean noodles for me, with enough left over to eat for another lunch this week.  I do love dorms with kitchens!

Speaking of kitchens.  The outlets in ours weren't working again.  The maintainance guy came by and fixed it though.  We blew the breaker.  Can't use the microwave and another appliance (such as the toaster or water-boiler) at the same time.  Microwave sucks too much power.  Mlah!

Then, I re-checked out my super awesome new website which I'm very proud of myself for.  I even had to use HTML to get some of the links and things to work right.  Knowing computer programming DOES come in handy!  (Now, if I could just get my MatLab to work that well...).  Anyway, you should totally check it out.  I tried not to let it distract me too much, but it was difficult.

After that, more homework.  Seems I'm always doing that these days.  I know, you're thinking, "Duh, Loren!  You're at COLLEGE.  Sheesh, get a brain!"  And you'd be right.  But still, one doesn't lose one's wishful thinker when one recieves higher education.  I am getting a lot done though, which always makes me feel good.  Progress, yippee!

"Of course, progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged."  And if you know where that quote comes from, you might just be as big a fantasy freak as I am. 

The biggest news about homework is the research "paper" I did.  It's really three questions, but all told the paper was four pages long.  So I think it's fair to count it as a paper.  It's finished, which made me jump for joy.  (Almost literally, but my leg muscles were too sore.)  My Diff Eq and Dynamics are also almost done.

Now, I should probably returned to the formentioned Diff Eq and Dynamics problems.  My Diff Eq is at a standstill.  I'm stuck on the method of integrating factors.  My dynamics and I are going to have a serious heart-to-heart this afternoon, I need it done!

This evening, Taido again.  Yippee!  Its almost like someone couldn't decided if they wanted to do gymnastics or martial arts, so they made a sport that's both.  Very fun.  Wonder what my hall-mates would think if I started doing front-roll-punches down the hallway?  Intriguing proposition...

So, more later!

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