martes, 14 de septiembre de 2010

Tuesday's Terrible Terrificness

Terrible Terrificness?  You're thinking, what in the world?  Has Loren lost her mind?

The short answer: probably.

The detailed answer:
Well, it started with an alarm at 6:30 this morning.  Way too early after a late night due to the inability to sleep. Got up, got dressed, went to class.  Had a terrible time trying to stay awake in Diff Eq.  My eyes just didn't want to stay open, no matter how much I squirmed.

So, get done with morning classes and head back to the dorm.  Too much homework, and a TA session at 1.  So I sit down to work on that homework some more (which, by the way, was the reason I was up late last night, plus the non-sleeping-ness). 

Ate lunch.  Leftovers are amazing, THANK YOU Momma!  Very yummy, very fast, no brain power.  On a terribly terrific tuesday, it was perfect.  Before I left, I dressed up for the career fair.  I took a piece of advice from my mom, and wore comfortable shoes, taking my nice ones with me.  They're her shoes, and they're too big when I wear panty-hose.

Then, the TA session.  Got some good help.  Thank goodness for TA's.  A valuable resource I wish I'd found earlier.  Its true, about pride and falling.

Of course, after all that craziness, my head was spinning with deformable bodies equations and all that stuff.  I headed to the Career Fair.

The Career Fair was ... overwhelming.

I got some good information, I think.  Now to sift through, learn from the craziness, and get more information.  Repeat.  Again.  And again.  And again.  But, its good learning experience and hopefully I'll get a job out of it.

After that, I came back to my dorm and made dinner.  Pasta-Roni is a lovely thing.  Very yummy, especially when cooked with chicken and bacon with green beans on the side and cheese biscuits.  I felt like a truely splendid cook!  Was yummy too, which I liked O:).

Then, more homework.  Yes, if you're noticing a theme, you are very perceptive.  I applaud you.

My evening finale was a trip to the Downtown, ATL Wal*Mart.  Yes, I was throughly amused walking through the isles.  Found some clearance picture frames that are blue to match my room.  But, my favorite section was the hats/belts and the college T-shirts. 

Of course, I did get groceries too.  Which was the main point of going.  Well, those and band-aids and black tights.   My new snazzy black dancing shoes gave me blisters.  So I'm fixing it with band-aids and black tights before the school dance on Friday.  Which I'm very excited about, I want you to know.

Now, I'm IMing with Momma and skyping with Fallon.  Sweetness.

Think I'll go to bed early.  I'm exhausted.

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