martes, 21 de septiembre de 2010

Homework Smackdown

Anyone else notice how all our work seems to come in waves?  We'll have no tests for a while, then, in one week, have all of them.  We'll get a break in our homework, but then have it all due at once.

Or, worse yet... We put off doing our homework to study for the bajilion and a half tests in two weeks... and end up doing homework all day and night to catch up.  Lovely.  Scheduling issue, much?

Okay, so now that that rant (albiet short) is now done.  We can talk about other stuff...  If I can think of anything else in my days that didn't revolve around homework.

Where did I leave off?  oh yes, Saturday.  With the family.  Two thumbs up!

Sunday:  Teach the children :):):).  Lunch with my other-family.  Swing dance lessons.  Very nice Sunday.  Crazy, but good.  I like Sundays :).

Monday:  Bad day.  I felt aweful, so I felt like everything I did took too long.  I studied, but it slogged in my dead-beat brain.  Even reading after dinner to relax, I felt slow.  I did get a nap, which I liked.  And got to bed early.  Last thing I needed was to feel bad for my test.

Tuesday:  Diff Eq test.  UGH!  Enough said.
After that, though, was more class.  I liked Dr. Rosenstien, the communications person that taught our engineering class today.  She talked about writing, and, as you know, I love writing.  Engineering writing is NOTHING like the fiction stuff I do, but there's something magical about putting pen to paper and having something legible come out.  Or, if you're a product of the computer age like myself, hitting all those little keys to make words and sentences.

I mean, really.  Stop and just think.  A blank, white sheet of paper.  A pen in hand.  It doesn't matter what you write, the very act is a creation, of a sort.  When you start, there's nothing.  When you end, there's something.  Better yet, there's something that you can hand to someone else and let them share in the magic of the written word.  I agree wholeheartedly with whoever famous it was that said the written word is man-kind's greatest achievement.  Writing is MAGIC!

Okay, another rant ;).  Must really be in that kind of mood today.  Actually, it's crazy, becaue I'm so very in the writing mood right now.  I think it's two full days of mathmatical problems bouncing around in my head.  My right-brain is going USE ME TOO!  and my left-brain is going USE HIM, I'M TIRED!

Yes, I do have a mental picture of a droopy brain and a bouncy brain with speech bubbles.  I'm that cool.

So.  Guess I'll stop talking your ear off and let you get to bed or do homework or whatever it is you should be doing instead of reading this.  :)  Of course, this is probably more fun.  Unless, of course, you're supposed to be doing something super awesome.  Like... hanging out with friends.  If that's the case, go away and hang!

I'm Very Weird, and you know it.

Goodnight to all, and to all a good night!

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