domingo, 6 de febrero de 2011

A First Time for Everything

So, this past week has been an eventful week of firsts for me.

On Tuesday, I attended my first West Coast Swing dance. Very fun! The west coast style is much more linear than the east coast style. But know some east coast definitely helped me learn west coast! The president of ASEDA (ATL's swing dance club) was there and spent probably 20 minutes teaching me stuff. Very exciting!

On Thursday, I changed my first tire. Or I helped. Kelsey's roommate, Sahithya, called her with a flat tire. We were at Felini's with Crossroads at the time. So Kelsey, David, and I come riding to her rescue. David knew how to change tires. Yay for auto-saavy guys. Well, we arrive. It's freezing. No one has a flashlight. The ground is wet. Thank you Jesus, it wasn't raining anymore.
David gets the jack out and starts jacking. The tire (its the front-passenger one) gets just off the ground and the car starts rolling forward. Oh, lovely. So we ask Sahithya if she put her parking break on. She says yes. So we can't figure out why in the world the car is rolling. The jack pops and we must start over.
At this point, an awesome guy named Kyle randomly stops to see if we need help. David says yes, we have no idea why the car is rolling and how to fix that. So after some collaboration (while I'm holding the flashlight app on my iPhone so they can see under the car), they decide to put the jack in a different spot. We jack.
The car rolls. Oh, lovely. Are we sure the parking break is on? Yes, she says. Let's check.
No parking break.
We pull that, but the jack is at a 45 degree angle. Not good for jacking. Or really even for unjacking. We're stuck. So we pull the jack out of my car and double jack the system. My jack, being newer, is much easier to use we all agree.
So we get the car up far enough to pull out the other jack. Then we get it far enough up to change the tire. Lug nuts across and all that jazz. The tire isn't nearly as heavy as I thought it would be. But she has small tires for her tiny car. We put the new tire back on.
Unjack. Yay! it works! Clean up. Thank our new friend Kyle quite profusely.
So, the whole process took us almost an hour and a half. Meanwhile, our friends are waiting for us at Felinis and are stuck because I drove several of them and there aren't enough seats to bring them home. So we rush back to Felini's to bring everyone home. Our pizza to go... It was midnight...

Another fun first this week is an official lab report. Mine is already like 20 pages, and its not finished. I've done lab reports, but I've never done the real kind. They're much harder, longer, and fancier. More work still to go on that. It's due next Friday.

On Saturday, I streak my hair red for the first time. I had it highlighted once for my 15th birthday or something. The guys laughed at me cuz my hair glowed under the black lights while lazer tagging at my party that year.
But now, Momma and I found some red, or rather Light Auburn, dye at the store. We highlighted my hair in the bathroom. I now have red streaks through it. It's not RED. It's a natural color and not too many so that it looks fake.  But its definitely there. I love it.

Now, I'm about to go to the first prayer meeting of the new week at 10 this evening. Very excited that my Crossroads group is so much about prayer and praying corporally. It's so very important, and so many groups forget to bathe everything in prayer. Not this group!

More later,

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