lunes, 28 de febrero de 2011

Tech Weekends include Explosions

Yes, my friends. This last weekend at Tech included imploding a building. Dozens of mini explosions resulted in the whole building imploding and falling to the ground. Yes, it was epic. Yes, I saw it all. Very spiffy. See, they needed to demolish the building across the street from my apartment. So early Sunday morning, they imploded it. We went out and watched. Ben videoed it, which can be seen on my Facebook page.

Other than that, I had an exciting weekend. Friday afternoon I went running with Kelsey. She hasn't killed me yet. Although I haven't figured out if that's because she likes me too much or because Kaylyn threatened her with mob retribution if I died. O:) Our goal is to be able to run the Pi Mile at the end of March (sometime). We run the track for 30 minutes, or Kelsey does. This last time, I ran for two minutes, walked for one, alternating. So I ended up running for 20 minutes. A BIG improvement over my beginning of the week times. I'm very proud of myself and am glad that my endurance is going back up. I'd forgotten how much I really love a good workout, especially with friends.

That night, we had a D-Group party! I must say, Friday nights with all my friends just make my week. We had something like 20 people in Chris's apartment. The girls made dessert and showed up. We "prayed" all week for God to provide food. So just a little after we all got there, 7 or so of the guys come trooping in all in a line each carrying some pot of food to share. They made spaghetti, bread, salad, and various other yummy things. Darin even brought a movie to watch. Much fun.
After the movie, we played Mafia. I guess we forgot to grow out of that game :). Lots of fun, lynch mobbing, and assassination. Daniel got a new nick name and Jim was unanimously executed for the good of the town. One game, the two Mafia members even won! So we didn't get back until after 2 that night.

On Saturday, we had lunch with the Japan Society. Kelsey, Ben, Jim, and I went over and ate yummy Japanese food. Kelsey and Jim both speak Japanese. Me? I was just appreciating the yumminess and extremely glad I know how to use chopsticks. We played Bingo, and my team even won! Thank goodness Claire and Chris knew more about Japan than me, or it might have been much worse.
Later that day, Ben, Kelsey, and I went to the park. We threw the Frisbee and discovered that none of us are very good at it. Especially with the wind. So we got tired of chasing the little red disk and went for a walk around the park. It's a pretty park complete with a pond. Kelsey and I even got up into a tree! See my Facebook profile pic for some of the results :).
We came back to my apartment and made curry from scratch. I found a recipe and decided to try it out. Very yummy, although Ben and Kelsey had a few pointers for me. They're the curry experts. But overall, it was very good. I also made cinnamon rolls and banana rolls for the next day. But more about that when we get to Sunday.
After dinner, we watched The Matrix. Kelsey hadn't seen it, so that was fun. I really like that movie. Now we have to find a time to watch the 2nd and 3rd ones. We got to bed about 11:30, so not too bad.

On Sunday, we got up bright and early to watch things explode. See previous explanation. After the explosion, we came back to my apartment for breakfast. Kelsey, Ben, Jim, Nathan, and Airth. :) I love having people in my apartment. We had said cinnamon rolls and banana bread. Very yummy. Then we just hung out for a while until it was time to leave for church.
After church, Ben, Kelsey, and I went to lunch. More curry, although professionally made this time. Yummy. Although I'll trust Kelsey's curry judgment more than Ben's in the future :). Then ice cream! Yay for sweet melty-ness. Ben left and Kelsey and I tried to do homework. Then dance class, which is always a ton of fun. I learned a lot of new stuff. Ask me sometime and I'll show you :).
Sunday evening, I went home. Fallon's birthday!! She turned 17 and got a laptop. Needless to say, she was thrilled. So much so that words failed and screams of joy began. True freak out. Very epic. Her laptop is green, see her Facebook for pictures. She'd probably love to tell you all about it. She even has Microsoft 10, which is very cool.

Today was class. I went to lunch with Isa and Katelyn at CCF. That was very cool. They have a HUGE building and a lot of people compared to Crusade. But I always love getting to know more of my brothers and sisters in Christ. Family is important!
Now, I have to go do some homework before I-group starts at 5. I'm working out with Kelsey at 8:30 then going to prayer in the student center. So not a lot of time. I love how busy my life has become. All these lovely things happening and I'm in the middle of them, just being with my family. And how much I've really come to see them as that, a family. Not just my friends at school, but real companions that I can depend on and enjoy life with. People who love Jesus as much as I do and are willing to do whatever He says. People who will encourage me to do the same.

So, let's do life together. And that includes homework :).

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