miércoles, 9 de febrero de 2011

Little Miracles

I can't even understand how amazing our God is sometimes!

For the past week, my campus ministry has gathered in the student center every night for prayer. We have an hour where anywhere from four or five to over a dozen of us gather together to bow before an awesome God. The consistant time with my brothers, sisters, and Father have been so encouraging to me. But besides being completely in awe of my Jesus during our worship time together, I've begun to look at so much more of life with a dropped jaw in the last week.

Many of you know that my sister, Fallon, has been having some medical problems. The doctors are in the process of figuring out what, exactly, is going on. Current theory is that her gallbladder is ... not functioning correctly. I'm not even sure what they think is wrong, but something. This is after she spent a week in the hospital last summer with blood clots in her lungs. She only came off her blood thinners last month. Now this. Yesterday morning, Fallon had an upper endoscopy. Basically, they stuck a tube with a tiny camera on the end down her throat to look at her stomach.
Last night during our prayer group, I shared Fallon's story with my brothers and sisters in Christ. We gathered together before our Almighty Father and begged for healing for my sister. Most of my school friends have meet my sister once, maybe. They don't know her. Don't know her situation. Don't know much at all about her life.
But they begged for her healing. Immediately after my request, half a dozen of my friends lifted up my sister to our Father. Just hearing the pleadings of those around me encouraged me. Challanged me. Awed me.
Today, I talked to Momma to get an update on Fallon. Fallon kept down all her food both yesterday and today. Momma said that Fallon woke up with a new excitement for life. She felt better than she has in a while. She was ready to go conquer life. Fallon went to school and even stayed afterwards to do makeup work. Granted, she came home and collapsed in exhaustion.
Isn't our God amazing? The skeptic could say that it was coincidence, just a good day for Fallon, her gallbladder didn't spazz... whatever they want. But in my heart, I believe that God heard our prayers and gave us a little miracle.

Last night, I also asked God for small daily miracles in our lives to remind us what an awesome God He really is. I asked Him for those little things in life that we like to take for granted. That we like to overlook. I asked that He would show us a miracle.
I got a miracle.
In my Materials class today, the girl next to me leans over as we're waiting for class to start and asks if I went to Passion. She recognized the bracelet I'm still wearing in support of Passion Fort Worth in April. I said yes and we spoke for a minute before class started.
After class, we spoke some more. It started out with comparing lab experiences. But we came back around to our faith. She's a part of Campus Outreach on Tuesdays at Tech. She spent last summer in Florida (with a friend of mine from my home church, small world?) with Campus Outreach doing ministry. She's going back this summer.
The crazy part? She got something on facebook that invited her to our prayer time in the student center!
My little miracle for today.

We serve a God who is not some apathetic, stick-in-the-mud clockmaker who made the world only to watch it turn. Our God is Alive, and He's passionate about His Glory and our part in His story. I've known this for a long time. But today, He gave a miracle.
And I'm so thankful.

2 comentarios:

  1. Hey Loren,
    I would check the inspirational reaction box if there were one beneath the post, because your post is exceedingly so... but I only found insperational and I don't know what that means

  2. Isn't our God awesome, Loren?! It made me so happy to hear about both of these things yesterday! :-D

    (and Chris, I had a good little chuckle there on your account)
