jueves, 3 de febrero de 2011

A Little Catching Up

Well, I'm very bad about being regular about this. Good intentions aside, I never can manage to keep it up.
So what's been happening lately? That could take a while to explain.

First, because its what's most on my mind right now. I'm studying abroad this summer! Six weeks in Mexico City, Mexico, then a week at home, then four weeks in Madrid, Spain. When I'm done, I'll have 15 Spanish credits (and a minor) and be fluent. Or so I hope :).
I'm still working to get some kind of scholarship, because I don't want to pay for all this! I have one to apply for this weekend, but so far most of them have been a bust. I also want to look again at plane tickets this weekend and probably go a head and order them. Plus the first round of fees is due tomorrow. So a lot of money flowing outwards.
I've already started to compile a mental packing list, isn't that sad? I'm like "Well, sometime when I'm at Wal*Mart, it wouldn't hurt me to pick up the smaller version of my favorite shampoo to take with me." I can make a box in my room: My Study Abroad Stuff. Yes, Type A personality at work.
But for real now, you have to think ahead on so many of these things. Because two weeks from now, I'll think: "Oh, I can't forget bug spray." But then I'll forget later. I'm notorious for forgettting. So if I write it down (or better yet, stick a bottle in my box) then I won't forget. I hope.
I am starting to compile some of the fun stuff. Like, I got my ISIC card this weeks. Basically, its an international student ID card. Lots of discounts! Yay! And I filled out my family-matching survey. I still have to write a letter to them, in Spanish. Which could be interesting. And fun, I hope :).
I'm going to have to take a good "passport picture" so I can send it in. Maybe Momma will be my photographer over the weekend. Sounds like a fun activity. We sit at the table and do work for a lot of the weekend anyway. Or I do.

Homework: the second biggest thing on my brain. It seems I'm never done. And the harder I work, the more behind I get. That's not true, I know. But sometimes, it feels like it. For example, I think I've spent the last week reading either in Ethics or Materials. And I still have more of both, plus Structures, to read. We're reading "Brave New World' in Ethics. Bad book, I don't recommend. It's frustrating and you just want to punch all the characters. I don't agree with the author, either, which doesn't help. Mindless slaves indeed! Not me, no thank you.
I have my first Statistics test on Tuesday, but it's open book so I don't think it will be too bad. The stuff has been fairly straightforward so far. I even got to explain some of it to the guy that sits next to me. When you can explain it to someone else, you know you've really got it down. I like that feeling.
I also have a huge lab report, which is my Weekend Project. It's like a 6-7 page paper (not including the appendicies!). I've never written an official lab report before, so this could be interesting. I've got all the details for how it should be done, but I want to get it finished this weekend. It's due a week from tomorrow. But next week, I want to take it in to the TA and see if I can get any feedback. All in the name of good grades and learning...

What else has been on my mind recently? Oh, I made cookie cake. Yes, you heard that correctly. Cookie cake. But it was more cake-ish than cookie-ish, even though it was a chocolate chip cookie recipe. I think I needed more flour, but I had almost exactly the right amount. So I couldn't go back at the end and add a little extra to make it the right consistance. Then it rose forever...
Tasted good though :). White chocolate, milk chocolate, and walnuts included. Very yummy. Now I have to do some exercises to work off the calories!

Speaking of exercising! I learned to West Coast Swing this week! Well, I learned the basics. A++ from me! ASEDA, which is Atlanta's swing dance club, helped host an event at our school on Tuesday. The president of the club is very nice (and an amazing dancer!) and a good teacher. He explained everything very well and demonstrated. I felt positively extrodinary when I danced with him, and I didn't even know what I was doing. Major brownie points for him.
Plus, I'm learning more East Coast at school on Sundays. Very fun. I love dancing. My mom told me I'm addicted, which is very true. On Sundays, we're learning some more advanced moves which look really cool when you can pull them off. My feet get tired, but I love it.

Wow, this little catchup post just took me 30 minutes to write. Hope you learned something useful :). I gotta go get on that reading homework now before its time to leave for Crossroads.

Love to all!

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