martes, 26 de abril de 2011

The Boyfriend

Yep, I really just did say that. It's so exciting, and at the same time a little strange cuz its so very new.

Actually, its hard for me to know where to go from here. For those of you who don't go to school with me and are completely shocked. A little background might be the place to start, I guess.

So. His name is Jim Shealy. He's a 2nd year mechanical engineering major at GT. We met last semester over Fall Getaway when our campus ministry group went to a retreat in the TN mountains. We kinda became friends over the rest of the semester.
This semester has been a total God thing. We, as well as Kelsey, Devi, Airth, and Nathan, have all become a close-knit group. We study together, do activities together, text/facebook all the time. It grew out of our times of prayer together, mostly. Keeping God at the center has really bonded our group so tightly! It's really awesome.
Well, this led to that and the other... and we got to be really good friends. We had several really fun conversations and some deep ones. He's challenged me to see God in a new way, and to allow that to change my view of me in accordance with God's views of me. He's challenged my prayer life and my personal walk with Christ. He's also challenged my engineering mind, because keeping up with his is quite the adventure sometimes. We play off each other well, and that led to a lot of laughter. He seems to be able to alternatively make me think a lot and a laugh a lot.
Everything came to a collision about three weeks ago when our conversations changed in tone. He's awed me with his desire to be completely honest with me. We had several conversations exploring our relationship and what it could turn into. And, true to form, he always came back to asking Jesus. So, with much prayer, we evaluated and really tried to just give it up to God. Which, by they way, is one of his favorite phrases. Just give it up to God.
Last week (April 19th) we had "that conversation". Yes, I know you're wondering why its taken me so long to "introduce" him to you if it happened a week ago. Well, we wanted to move a little slowly and tell a few people in person first. It's not cool to find out two of your really good friends are dating via facebook. Plus, he came home and met my parents last Saturday (yes, they approved) and I got to go to his house on Monday night and meet his family (again, they approved).
So, now that we've smoothed the waters a little bit. We're telling everyone. It's "Facebook official".

For those of you who don't go to GT:
I wanted you to know. And I wanted to let you see how I see him. One of the questions my Momma asked me when I was telling her was: "What makes him so special?" Well, there's a lot of reasons. But I hope you can see some of what I see in him. I know, meeting him in person would be better. And I hope you get that chance. But at least now you can feel like you know him a little bit.

Most of all, I hope you will pray for us. I really feel that God has led me here, and I'm so glad He did! But we're in dead week now, then next week is the stress of finals. After that, I'll pretty much be gone all summer. He'll be spending six weeks in Tokyo, Japan. So, it will be an interesting summer to say the least. But God is always in control, and He doesn't give us more than we can bear. He won't put us in any situation that doesn't work out for His glory, and I know this will too.

So, I think its time for me to go to bed. I'm glad I got to share this, and him, with you :). Goodnight!

Very, very excited,

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