sábado, 30 de abril de 2011

One Week

Yes, dearest friends and beloved family, only one week until I'm in Mexico!

To be honest, I'm super excited and completely freaked.
I'm thrilled when I think of all the new things I'll see and do. The thing I'll learn, both about the Mexican culture and the Spanish language. Getting to know my Mexican family is exciting because I know that I'll be completely immersed in the language and culture I love. I'll get to try new foods, learn a different history, and salsa dance. We'll climb Aztec ruins and tour war memorials. We'll visit Mexican businesses and markets. We'll walk through the same neighborhoods every day and meet all our neighbors, small town style.
But, I'll also be immersed completely in Spanish from the moment I step off that plane. My Spanish is okay, but super rusty and not as good as everyone likes to think, especially when they hear I've been studying since I was 7. Really, it's all in there. Or a lot of it is. It just doesn't come out my mouth very well. And that scares me somewhat.
Of course, I'll be traveling internationally by myself for the first time ever. Not that that freaks me out much, because I've flown so often that I can almost quote the flight attendant's speech... but it will be the first time all by my lonesome. Weird.
And its six weeks. Six weeks is a long time. Especially for a homebody like me who's never gone more than two weeks without seeing her family. Really, that worries me. I know I'll be fine and I'll be able to Skype and all that. But its another thing to add to the list of "That Kinda Freaks Me Out" about Mexico.

Then there's the packing. I don't get done with finals until Thursday. I pack on Friday. I leave for Mexico on Saturday. AHHH!! Seems like not enough time. I won't even get to recuperate from finals and I'm already leaving for a foreign country. I'll finish school and three days later start school again. There's just no time!

Okay, so I'm a little freaked. I think you get the point. But I'm super excited too! Don't doubt that. Just, I can talk about the excitement. I can bounce up and down in public. But sharing how scared I am? Not cool. So I don't. I know, I know. That's not how it should be. But it is. So there.

Alright. Enough freaking.
I finished my ethics paper!! Momma has it now for proofing, then I turn it in on Wednesday and I'm done! Yay!!
I have a Structural Analysis final on Tuesday.
A Materials of CE test on Wednesday.
An Ethics test on Wednesday.
A Statistics test on Thursday.
Sounds crazy? I think so too.

Now.... more studying... ugh.

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