martes, 5 de abril de 2011

Wrestling with Philippians

Well howdy folks! Long time, not enough posting! I've been insanely busy, but that's not a good excuse...

Spring break was the week before last. Simply amazing, really. But that's another post. My thoughts today are a little deeper and more serious in nature, although hopefully still interesting and fun.

I've been wrestling with the book of Philippians, which has quickly become my most referenced book of the Bible. There's so much good stuff in there that I might just memorize the whole book. It's only four chapters, I could do it... I think. If you haven't read it recently, go do it now. The link's at the top of this post. Like I said, it's only four chapters. Not very long. You can do it in 10 minutes, I bet.

Okay, I hope you read. If not, that's okay too. Add it to your next quiet time.

Alright. So Paul starts off his letter in the normal fashion of the time. But then he gets straight into some of the stuff that's been weighing on me. Check out verses 3-8 of chapter 1.
Paul is ALWAYS praying for these people. If you check out his other letters (like 1 Corinthians and Ephesians and 1 Thessalonians) you'll find that this is a common thing for Paul to say. He's always praying for everybody! That struck me, especially after seeing it in so many different letters. I know that verse 3 is the one most often quoted, but really now?! I think we've lost some of the smack of this verse with how many times we've heard it.
Paul is giving thanks to God every time he thinks about these people. It's only been recently that I've realized quite how many people I have in my life to be thankful for. But I think it would take me all day to pray for them all individually. But Paul says he does. He even tells them what he's asking for them: that they would fellowship in the gospel and for their confidant growth. If you read verse 9-11, Paul gives more specifics of his prayer for them.
Dude, this is getting heavy! Not only is Paul thanking God for these guys (all the dang time!) he's doing it with JOY and he's also asking God very specifically for their growth.

Powerful prayer is something God's knocked me over the head with several times this semester. I think I've graduated from the 2x4, since my head got too hard. He's knocking me with a few 4x4s recently.
How many times do I pray for my friends "that their love may abound more and more in knowledge and discernment that you may approve the things that are excellent"? (verses, 9-10, by the way). I mean, I pray for them when their sick or stressed. I pray for good grades and helpful studying. But love through knowledge and discernment?

Not recently.

But maybe I should fix that. So, my prayer for you today is simply this:
Grow in love through knowledge and discernment that you may approve that which is excellent in your life. God will give strength. God will give direction. God will even take away stress. But, for the sake of His glory, grow in love. I pray thee, please, my Dearest Father, grow them in love.

With a heavy heart for you in joy,

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