martes, 12 de abril de 2011

Stress Limit Reached

Hey everyone. It's Tuesday, and I'm beat. I'm exhausted already and have no motivation to study... That's kinda why I'm writing here, even though I don't really have anything to say.

I had an okay day. Slept in some because I was exhausted and had a headache. I had class. We turned in our Statistics project, which was a great relief. Yesterday, I was flying so high because that project was done! You can ask Kelsey, I was almost giddy.
Yet today, I'm down in the emotional dumps again. I don't know why this happens to me. Why I can be soaring so high one moment and crash so hard the next. It seems that I don't do mediocre, I don't do peaceful contentment very well. I do high-flyin', rip-roaring, no-holds-bared excitement. Or I do down-in-the-ditch, I'm-just-ready-to-give-up, is-anyone-listening depression.

What is wrong with me?

Well, Devi and Kelsey are going to the gym. I'm gonna go with them cuz I'm not getting anything done here. Might as well be productive in something. They'll make me feel better, I know it.
I'm just worried about after. When I have to crash again, because I know it will happen.
Why am I borrowing trouble? I shouldn't.

Goodbye, since this isn't really going well anyway.

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