sábado, 21 de mayo de 2011

From Tiangis to Bible Study

Today was a good day, overall. I slept in a little, got up, had a nice hot shower (a little longer than normal, it might have actually taken me 20 minutes... maybe), ate some yummy breakfast. Mi madre mexicana served sanillas! watermelon! My favoritest fruit of all times, although I'm beginning to crave fruit of any sort. It's probably going to be a part of a lot more of my breakfasts after I get home. I'm learning to love the stuff, and its so good for you!

So, after my fruit rant... I studied some. Or tried to. I got a little done, but not as much as I'd hoped. I did talk to Jesus, which is always important and good. I didn't really sleep in that late, but time just seemed wacky and I didn't have as much of it as I thought I would. Or maybe I just wasn't as productive with what I had as I'd wanted to be.

Anyway! We met up at the park for lunch. Kristina, Ian, Drew, Phelps and I went and had breakfast for lunch. That was weird and not one of my favorites. But it was decent. We had some fun conversations too. Phelps had this awesome banana drink which was pretty much like a banana smoothie. Sounded delicious.

Then we hopped on the metro and went to the tiangis! The market. It was pretty epic. I loved wandering through all the little shops looking for random things. I found postcards! So I should be addressing those tomorrow maybe then trying to find a post office some time next week. I have no idea where I'd find one, but I'm sure google maps will help me :). Then it'll be a race. Who gets to the US first? The post cards or me?

I found some other cool gifts. But I'm not going to tell you what they are because some of the people they are for read this blog. That would be spoiling. But, I still have a few more gifts to find. I have four weeks and a lot more cool places, so I'm not worried. I can always go back to the tiangis another weekend :).

After that, I came home and had dinner with my family. We had fish! I like fish :). And, true to form, tortillas. Have you ever eaten your fish inside a tortilla? Well, I have :). I recommend trying it sometime, depending on how your fish is cooked. We also had soup with noodles in it. They always squeeze lime into their soups, and I love the practice. It adds an extra kick to the soup.

Later in the evening, I went out with Emily, Drew, Ben, and Benjamin for some God time. This was by far my favorite time of the day. We didn't delve deep into the Word yet, but we did get to know each other better. We shared testimonies and what God has been showing us over the years and recently in particular. I'm always amazing to hear how my God is at work in the hearts and lives of my brothers and sisters!

Which reminds me:  "Praise the LORD! Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever." Psalm 106:1

We did that today. We prayed together and spent some time thanking God for who He is and what He's done. We asked for His guidance over this trip. I know He'll answer our prayers, because He promised us that we would have whatever He asked in accordance with His plan. He's working, always. And I'm seeing that come alive. I love my Jesucristo with all the fervor my passionate soul can muster. He is greater still.

Now, I have some more studying to do. It may be a late night because I want to get so much done. But my God sustains, and I'm remembering a verse my Momma used to quote all the time. God brought it to mind today.
"And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ." Colossians 3:23-24.

That's all for me today. I'm off for more work!

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