lunes, 9 de mayo de 2011

La Cucaracha y La Universidad


So, I updated yesterday's blog. I realized that I hadn't at all done it justice, so tried again. Its not much extra, but some. So, if you're inclined, you can read the new parts.

Anyway! I have to start off this post with an explanation of why its title talks about a cockroach. I had a total God-moment last night involving a cockroach.

The Cockroach Story
Last night I was getting ready to go to bed when I noticed a cockroach on the wall of my room. Now, I can handle bugs of all kinds, even spiders. But NOT cockroaches. I have no idea what it is. I don't freak, per se. But I just can't stand the things. It's a phobia. An unreasonable fear without logic.
So, I tried to get rid of the cockroach by catching it in a Kleenex and stomping on it. I didn't want to squish its guts everywhere, but I didn't want to touch it either. It wasn't working. I smacked it once, but mostly missed. It scurried under the dresser. It came back out a few minutes later and I whacked it good. But it scurried under the other bed and I lost it for the evening.
Well, total God moment here. Jim has told me, often, when I panicked about Mexico, again often, to just give it up to God. And I'd tried. I'd told Him how much I felt inadequate and almost worthless. I'd told Him how I was struggling to make the words come, how I was struggling with the people, and how He was just going to have to make things work because I sure couldn't. But what I didn't confess? My fear. I didn't realize how much of my problems in Spanish were from fear.
I had a phobia of the language, of not being able to speak it, of what others would think. So much of my anxiety was wrapped up in my fear. My phobia. Unreasonable fear not based in logic.
So, last night at way too late, I gave up my phobia to Jesus. I let Him have all the fear I contained because I know He is stronger. He is greater. And, with Him, there is nothing for me to fear.
Guess what? I woke up this morning to a dead cockroach. I guess I whacked it pretty good :). Or maybe God just needed something tangible to teach me about the intangible.

La Universidad
This morning, classes started! School started at 8:30, but Drew got lost. So we got there about 8:40. No biggie though, a lot of us were late. First day in a strange city will do that to you. We learned a lot. I was worried that 6 hours of class would be hard. I have trouble with 1.5 hour classes at Tech! But it wasn't. I looked down at my watch, expecting to be like half an hour in, and it was already 2 hours later. Doctora Galloway is a great teacher and I can understand most of her Spanish. My speaking still needs help, but I felt like I understood a lot more than I did yesterday.
We went for lunch after class. Kristina and I went out together and ate. I didn't really like lunch, but I loved the apple juice which is nothing like it is in the States. Much apple-ier. We had a nice conversation. It was great to get to know more about her.
Then we went to go get cell phones. Long walk, but more fun time to talk to people. I'm so enjoying all my new friends here. I'm fitting in better today than yesterday, and actually enjoying myself. I'm so introverted that this is hard for me, even if I don't show it. But I'm doing okay. God is so good!
While we were waiting for phones (which is a long process when you're trying to get like 19 of them), I had a long conversation with Travis and Kristina about church and Jesus. That was awesome. It's great to find people with a common background and be able to talk about it. So refreshing to be able to do Jesus-talk in Mexico.

En Otras Palabras
Oh, and my presentation was moved to tomorrow. Thank you everyone that's been praying for me! I appreciate it, and please don't stop! God is working great things today, and I know He'll continue. I've got to go work on that presentation some more. We're going out tonight. No idea what we're going to do, but I hear alcohol may be involved. If that's the case, I may see if I can find an ice cream shop or something. Getting drunk in Mexico sounds like a horrible idea. But I'll find something interesting to do. And no, I won't walk around by myself.

Hasta luego, mis amigos!

1 comentario:

  1. God keeps doing amazing things doesn't he? It was awesome to talk to you last night! I hope we get the chance again soon!
