miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2011

Philosophy in Salsa

So, it's been a pretty crazy week! Two tests... One was three hours, but the second only took me 1.5. Still, quite a bit of studying. It's been pretty tense around here lately... I'm so tired of studying! Thankfully, we have a small homework assignment for today. But then we don't have anything due until next week. So I'll have the weekend to work on some stuff.

But, more interestingly. SALSA!!
As you probably have figured out by now, I LOVE DANCING!
We had a salsa lesson last night. An hour and a half lesson on the basic stuff. It was pretty awesome and I was exhausted afterwards. Salsa is very up beat and you're always moving. We didn't get into a lot of the partner stuff, but I learned a whole lot. If I dance in the US, I'm gonna have to relearn the names for everything. This is Mexico, and they call moves in Spanish!
Some of the others picked it up really well too. It was fun to get to learn together. Ben learned really fast. It was really cool. We had a long conversation with Kristina about dancing. Which, by the way, I love (in case you missed it before). I so can't wait to go back and learn some more. I want to make the moves more natural and use less brain power on the footwork. It's a lot harder to learn cool stuff if you have to think about your footwork. When the footwork is natural, you become a much better dancer. I've learned that one through swing.
Now I wish I were on the dance floor again. Nothing can be wrong when you're twirling and sashaying across a hardwood floor. For that moment, everything outside the room is just background noise and doesn't really exist. I think this is one of the reasons I love dancing. It's so freeing because there is only the moment, only your partner (if you have one), only the moves. Life becomes about moving to the music and letting go of everything else.
For me, dancing is free expression and logical without thought. Dancing involves your body, brain, and soul. It's about matching you to the music and your partner. It's about two people moving together as one unit and showcasing the skill of the other. It's about passion and freedom. "Dancing is Life," is how Mr. D says it in Take The Lead, which is a movie I love.

Okay, enough philosophy of dance. After salsa, we came home. We had an impromptu review session during our walk. Thank you, Drew. He walked us home and we had some fun conversations around the review stuff. Then, I stayed up way too late. But it was all good.
This morning, I went into school early and we had another "review session" but it wasn't super formal. Then the test. Then I came home and took an hour long siesta. I feel SO much better now! Amazing what a little sleep can do for the body. Now, I have some work to do tonight. But not too much. 

I want to go dancing again... :)

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