miércoles, 4 de mayo de 2011

Who's The Boss, Chica?

So, if Jesus had a Hispanic accent, this is what He'd be saying to me right now. And I'd be nodding sheepishly with bright red cheeks as He reminded me, gently of course, of something He's taught me so many times in the past.

Yes, Jesucristo, You're the boss.

So, as most of you will have heard by now. Mexico is a go. Nothing much changed through my panic: "What if I can't go? What will I do then? What's He gonna do through this? Why, Jesus, why?!"
But I know, now even more than yesterday, that He is in control. So many of my friends reminded me yesterday of that simple fact. There is nothing I can do to change His plan. It's not in my control. He works out all things for the good of those that love Him. No man by worrying can add a cubit to his height.
So all my tears, my stress, my jittery heart, my worry, my panic. None of it did any good. It only made things worse from my end. But I did have to continually talk to Jesus, to give over my fear and worry. To rest wholeheartedly in His promise of comfort and sustenance. Jesus, my rock and my salvation, my strong tower, in what shall I fear?

Get the point now?
Yeah, for now...

And I know that I will struggle with this again. I know it. And I'm scared. But I will manage. I'm off to Mexico this weekend.

Speaking of Mexico...
Things are going crazy. I'm stressed about that too. But Jesus is bigger (see previous lesson ;) ). I've already got homework to do. Oh joy. I'm gonna be working through the plane rides, I think. I doubt either tonight or tomorrow night will be heavy on the sleeping. Working is more important.
Somehow, I'll pull through. Jesus sustains. Worrying doesn't do an ounce of good while doing pounds of harm. If my God wants me there, He'll make my paths straight. I must rely on Him and do my best to manage what He gives me. He is the source of joy and comfort and peace.
I believe that.

¡Te echaré de menos! (I will miss you!) y ¡Te quiero! (I love you!)


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