lunes, 16 de mayo de 2011

I'll Fly Away!

So, today has been rough. I spent most of yesterday studying, but I still don't feel prepared. This test is going to be crazy hard, I'm expecting. So more and more studying. Mas estudiando!!

Anyway. Today started per usual. Up, get ready, eat breakfast, go to school. My host mom fed me a huge breakfast. Apparently, I don't eat enough by Mexican standards. My appetite has gone down a little, but not that much. I've lost 7 pounds already, but that's not a big deal. I think it's more the walking. Maybe I'm gaining muscle too! Wouldn't that be epic.

Oops, rabbit trail there. I headed off to school and we discussed the film "Santo Luzbel" which we'd watched Saturday night. I actually kind of liked the movie, or really liked it. But most of the students didn't. No, it wasn't an action movie with modern special effects. But it was heart-wrenching and culturally enlightening. Yeah, we also had to read the subtitles. I don't speak word-one of Nahuatl, the indigenous Mexican language.

Doctora let us out about 11 to go over to La Universidad de Comunicacion and talk to the other Mexican students there. Julia and I had a nice conversation with two college girls about lots of stuff. I followed most of it and even threw in comments every now and again. My Spanish is improving, I just have to remind myself of that often. They told us some old Mexican legends. One was about Senora Llorria or something like that. Basically, the woman drowned her children and cried for them a lot. You can still hear her crying sometimes, I think is how the story goes. Parents tell it to children, like the boogeyman stories in the US.

The conversation was great, but both the girls were smoking. Asthmatic me didn't like that too much, so it was headache time. Ugh. But I managed. This is going to be a short paragraph so I don't complain too much.

We went back to our school about noon for another two hour review session. Funny how I can spend 4 hours in teacher/TA led reviews, several hours studying on a Sunday afternoon, and still not feel ready. I don't know if I ever will, but I'm closer now. I'm using her review sheet to make a study guide. It's over six pages... But I do know more than I thought I did. Now it's just making sure its organized in my head so that I can use it during the test tomorrow.

I came back around 2:30 and laid down for an hour. I was exhausted and had a migraine. The sleep + Excedrin + Zyrtec D helped some. Talking to Momma and Daddy via IM and Jim via Skype helped my emotional stress even more. I never cease to be awed at my own need for people. But God has provided me with amazing people to help me in my time of need. We also reworked Jim's support letter for Japan. He has such a way with words, but his grammar needs help. Amazingly, I can already see improvement from this letter as opposed to the last one I helped him with.

Diversion here: Keep praying for his trip, please! You can learn more about what he's doing here: Plus, you can hear him speak Japanese, which is very impressive. Or at least I think so. I'm getting more and more excited for him as his departure date gets closer. In five weeks, he'll be on his way to the place he's dreamed of going for years. I know what that's like:  awesome. Still, the more prayers the better because this is all in God's hands.

I also listened to Kati & Lexi sing "I'll Fly Away" via YouTube. If you haven't heard it, do that immediately.( It's simply amazing. Made me cry and everything. I must have listened to it half a dozen times because I needed the reminder that, ultimately, God is in control. And this life isn't our goal, our home, or our reward. This is our battle ground, our mission field, our task. But not our goal, never that. Just a few more weary days and then I'll fly away to a place where joy will never end. I can't wait to fly away!
PS: It reminded me of this picture, which I took the day we went to El Museo Anthrolopogia. I have no idea why the Mexicans randomly put a pair of wings for pictures in the middle of the median of a major highway, but it was fascinating. So, there you go. Random trivia.

Anyway. I should go back to studying now. I'm learning Mexica history. It's very interesting and nothing at all like the way we learn it in high school. So much more fascinating, but there's so many details! Going to class for six hours straight for a week leads for lots of information. Basically, we've compressed three weeks of a normal semester into one here. It's crazy and intense. Thankfully, Doctora Galloway does a lot of review as we go, so it isn't all new information all the time.

That's it for me for now. More later from Mexico. I'm sure enjoying this city. Although, I talked to Fallon via Skype yesterday. I miss wake boarding and learning to drive the motorcycles. I'm going to miss a lot of the lake this summer. And I miss my sister. But, I'm sure this is where I'm supposed to be. God will bless what He's called us to do.

Love to you all.

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