sábado, 21 de mayo de 2011

A Castle & A Princess

 So, today we visited El Castillo de Chapultepec.It was beautiful. And HUGE! The Emperor Maximilian from Austria via France lived here when Bonaparte invaded Mexico and set up an empire in the name of France.
After the Revolution in Mexico, one of the presidents lived here: Porfinio Diaz. The place is huge. It has several floors and literally hundreds of rooms. It's got a garden on the roof and splendid balconies off every side. Stain glass windows. Elevators with seats in them. Grand staircases. Murals that covered entire rooms.
I have no idea what they used all that room for, but it sure was pretty. There was even a tower in the gardens on top of the roof. This is a picture of it. We couldn't go inside :(. But it was still great to look at and wish we could explore.
We toured the entire place and it took several hours. Like 3, that's how big it was. We got some fun photos. As always, more pictures are on Facebook. The link is here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150185503615044.300933.665665043.

After our three or more hour tour of the palace, we went to lunch. I got to sit with Ben, Travis, and Phelps. Great time getting to know those guys better. I'm loving how we always mix it up and so we get to know more people better every day. It's been less than two weeks and we're already much closer. Wonder what it's going to be like at the end of the six weeks? Then a lot of them are going to Madrid too!

Oh, this picture is of all of us in front of the monument to Los Ninos Heroes. I'm not quite sure of their story yet, we haven't learned it. I'll let you know when I figure it out. For now, its just a great picture to acquaint you with all the amazing people I'm getting to know this trip. There are 13 students and 3 TAs plus Dra. Galloway. I know them all and can't wait to keep learning more. Man, I can't even express how awesome it is to be growing closer. If it weren't for the new friends I'd made, I'd never survive this trip.

Anyway. One last picture. This one is of me on one of the many balconies that overlook the forest surrounding the palace. I like it a lot.

One last thing. I'm exhausted. Physically and emotionally, but I had a thought I wanted to share.
The Castle, or Palace as it were, made me think a lot. So, I shall share.

I'm stuck on this Daughter of the King idea. You know, the whole Palace thing. Plus the Mulan songs that Ben and Travis were singing and the ensuing conversation. I hate the whole flighty, brainless, helpless, "oh save me!" Disney Princess ideal. That's why I loved Mulan so much. Yes, she still needed her Knight in Shining Armor to help her win the big battle, but she was a major part of that. He wouldn't have been able to defeat the bad guy without her.

We're called, as Daughters of the One True King, to be active in the battle for the world. Ephesians 1:3-14 ensures us that we are children of God. We have been adopted into the family and given a part of the inheritance of God the Father along with Jesus Christ! What an amazing thought all on its own! To be called, truly, children of God. To honestly have a part of the inheritance with Jesus Christ! To be that special to our Father, how amazing!

Yet, we're not called to be brainless, flighty, or to stand away from the battle. Ephesians goes on to tell us about the armor of God. Ephesians 6:10-20. God tells us exactly how the battle should be fought. Exactly what to use as our shield. Exactly where our sword can be found. Exactly how to FIGHT.

Just a thought :)

1 comentario:

  1. Hey Loren, just wanted to say that I love reading your blog. It's great how God is using the people and the places over there to make you think and understand more about him and to mold you into the daughter he knows you can be. And of course, I am partial to the fighting battles kind of woman ;-) I'm always reminded of the prophetess Deborah, who led Israel to victory, yet in the way that God led her to, not in a forced kind of way. I strive to be that kind of woman. Anyways, know I'm always praying for you and am here for you if you need anything.
